
Life Science
Businesses That

Move Here, Thrive Here.

Let's connect!

Businesses located in Middlesex County, New Jersey, innovate with the industry leaders and market disruptors that are shaping the future of life science. This is a place where your ideas can become reality - where world-class research institutions, a highly skilled workforce, and a supportive ecosystem come together to fuel innovation and growth.

Here you’ll find the personalized support you need, the lab space you want and a skilled workforce.

Take advantage of Middlesex County, NJ’s thriving life science ecosystem:

Accelerate growth with the highest concentration of BioTech talent in the U.S.

Work alongside industry leaders in HELIX, a 1.4 million square foot innovation district opening in 2025.

Get one-on-one assistance in site selection and finding maximum available incentives.

Schedule a meeting today for personalized support and assistance in finding maximum incentives.

Let's connect!

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