Explore the County with


Get Your Passport

Did you know you live in one of the most diverse counties in the nation?

The county is waiting to be explored!

There are 40 languages spoken here - and with that, comes a variety of food, art, and experiences spanning the globe.

Tour 20 is your chance to discover a world of culture without ever leaving Middlesex County.

The best way to harness community is by embracing each other's culture.

We challenge you to complete 20 cultural activities within the 5 categories.

Maybe it's cooking or eating a new type of food, going to a festival, seeing live music, visiting a local shop, attending a play, or even a lecture.

Visit middlesexcountyculture.com for upcoming arts and culture events here.
Check out the Middlesex County Restaurant Guide here

Submit your completed passport to earn VIP status at a Middlesex County event.



Pick up your physical passport book from a location below


Select your activity *this is spacing**********************


Fill out the book with notes as you complete each activity


Complete 20 activities (at least 4 per category)spacing*******


Submit proof of participation*this is for spacing purposes*


Join the Tour20 Facebook Group!*this is for spacing*



Pick up your physical passport book from a location below

- Roosevelt Park Skate Rink
- Davidson Mill Pond Park Welcome Center
- Middlesex College gateway building (campus police)
- East Jersey Old Town Village Gift Shop
- Events: Art in the Park, Plays in the Park, and Music in the Park

CLICK HERE to see Events Calendar

CLICK HERE to download Digital Copy

Select your activity

We have categories and ideas to guide you, but be creative. Are you going to your friend’s Hindu wedding ceremony? Or a neighbor’s Bar Mitzvah? That counts in the “Choose Your Own” category!

Fill out the book with notes as you complete each activity

Each activity can only count for one culture. Each culture can only be counted once. For instance, if you dine at a Thai Japanese fusion restaurant, you must decide if this activity counts for Thai or Japanese (not both!)

Complete 20 activities (at least 4 per category)

Submit proof of participation

Click here to submit your completed passport and earn VIP status to a Middlesex County event.

Join the Tour20 Facebook Group!

For inspiration and pop-up contests, CLICK HERE!

By participating in Tour20, you agree to the official rules, found here.