
Rutgers University in Middlesex County is one of the oldest colleges in the United States and one of the world’s leading research universities. People from all over the world attend, and yet for the lucky residents and workforce of Middlesex County it’s the college around the corner that  trains students at the highest levels of advanced, innovative skill.

It’s difficult to overstate the quality of the training and education offered at Rutgers. Whether it’s in industrial engineering, healthcare, business, or high-level sciences, Rutgers has over 23,000 full-time and part-time faculty dedicated to rigorous class instruction as part of the university’s mission to educate America’s youth and serve the local community. Rutgers duties are threefold: to conduct leading-edge research in the most compelling fields, to educate and train the people of New Jersey, and to help the Middlesex County community by performing public service.

It’s no secret that graduates of Rutgers go on to work for (or found) some of the world’s most exciting companies, many of which remain headquartered in Middlesex County. Port Jersey Logistics, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Johnson & Johnson, and Robert Wood Johnson are just some of the forward-thinking and innovative global companies who depend on institutions like Rutgers and Middlesex County College for their administrative staffing, highly trained workforce, research and development, and so much more.

Middlesex County Success Stories

Alexander Stone, Robotics Student

How did Rutgers change your life?

So many ways. First, it has a very welcoming environment. But, when I came here, and I saw all the labs and opportunities that I would have here for hands-on research to get into mechanical engineering, I decided that’s where I wanted to focus. I recommend to people all the time that they come here. My older brothers went here, my dad went here. I love Rutgers, it’s a great school.

What about work, how do you want to use what you learn here after college?

There are tons of jobs in Middlesex County. I’m looking forward to all the great opportunities that exist in the County after graduation. Just drive around a little, up and down the turnpike, and you’ll see these huge companies right here, like Johnson & Johnson and Colgate. Me personally, I hope to get into the automotive industry. I want to design self-sustaining cars using renewable resources.

Nicole Danzi, RN/Delivery Nurse at St. Peter’s Hospital

How has Rutgers impacted your life?

I went to Rutgers for my first undergraduate degree. I actually have two undergraduate degrees—and I went to Rutgers both times! That’s how much I loved it. After my first degree I worked for a little bit, then decided to go back to nursing school, since I had a great experience at Rutgers the first time in the accelerated nursing program, that’s where I went to get my Bachelor of Science in nursing, too.

I had always heard such good things about Rutgers, and it’s all true. The hospital is great and I did my clinicals here, and I really enjoyed the people that I worked with. Rutgers is where I started. It gave me what I needed to have the life I wanted.

Mike Keene and Megan Watt, Civil Engineering Majors and Hydro Lab Students

What do you think your future looks like, after Rutgers?

Mike: It’s exciting. The university offers a lot of different things. For instance, I interned for two years at a great local company, and they offered me a full-time position upon graduation, so I’ll be doing that when I’m done. Hiring is good right now.

Megan: I think I could really get a job anywhere throughout the state of New Jersey. It’s one of the reasons I came to Rutgers, there are so many opportunities in the area, especially after graduation. And I’ve already been looking – getting hired here won’t be a problem at all.

Brianna Hellrigel, Marketing Coordinator at Domain Computers Services

What did you love about getting your degree in Middlesex County?

The program at Rutgers was broad enough in scope to give me a well-rounded approach that led me to the role I’m in today. What I loved about Rutgers was there was so much opportunity for me to choose what coursework I wanted to follow. IT is really broad, but I was able to take courses in business management, databases, networking, web design, and more.

What is your job now and how did staying in the County help you?

I’m working for an IT company, Domain Computer Services, which is right here in Middlesex County. My position is digital marketing. It really helps that I’m familiar with the products and services that the company is selling because of my background in IT. Initially, I applied for an internship here in July and by December they offered me a job.

It’s pretty easy at Rutgers to get yourself out there and talk to future employers. Plus, there are definitely opportunities here in Middlesex County, you don’t need to move for good job opportunities.

Bhavini Rana, Field Application Specialist at Genomic Prediction

What was your degree and what was the benefit of staying in the County?

I graduated from Rutgers in 2015, one of the best research schools in the world.  I have a bachelor’s degree in cellular biology/neuroscience. Rutgers has a very good science department and I knew no matter what I chose it was going to open the door to some exciting career opportunities. 

For someone looking for a career in your field, would they find opportunities here in Middlesex County?

Most certainly! I’ve applied around the area and there are so many science-based companies.  There are around 10­–15 just in the Commercialization Center for Innovative Technology, and many more around the area. I was hired in less than six months and started working with a clinical research team here in Middlesex County. I knew I wanted to focus more on lab work in the genetics field, but I didn’t have a genetics background, so I took a couple of genetics classes at Rutgers which prepared me even more for the job I have now.

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